Sports Multimedia

Sports stories offer tons of opportunities to go beyond reporting just for TV or radio. Here is a collection of multimedia projects from around North America where the journalists used EIGHT key tools to tell the story including:

  • Still pictures
  • Audio
  • Video
  • Data mapping
  • Interactive graphics
  • User contributed material
  • Blogging
  • Tag Cloud

Interactive panoramics are a great way to take a still photo and make sports events come to life. They give perspective to giant venues like mountains, stadiums and crowds.

118 Things to Know about Ultimate Fighting:

The Boston Globe explains by using factoids, a timeline, a section called “Inside the Ring” explains how paints are scored and the different fighting styles

Covering a marathon:

Not only does the news organization post their photos, they ask the runners to post their own. Plenty of video and audio,

They provide a runner’s blog

The stride by stride race tracker

Using TagCloud to compare Apologies
Compare what Tiger Woods said to Bill Clinton and A-Rod.

Grading the Calgary Flames-an Interactive:

How Does Andy Roddick Hit the Tennis Ball so Fast?

How does the Halfpipe work?

What makes a great figure skating performance? Step-by-step

Analyzing where the Heat and Thunder are the hottest by using heat maps:
I especially like the rollover of the players. Roll over their image and see their shots.

The story of an NHL Enforcer: I like that the video is in sections, not just one long story. They also have handwritten notes from him and his childhood journey.

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