How the NYT Produced “The Jockey”

Few multimedia stories have gained as much attention as The New York Times‘ “The Jockey.” The story is full of multimedia and interactivity and explores the life of the winningest jockey in America and yet most people have never heart of him. explains:

Going multimedia

Videographer and photographer Chang Lee was brought in and, along with graphics editor Xaquín GV, set up a complicated shoot, involving Baze wearing a miniature Pivothead camera on his goggles to provide point-of-view (POV) video footage, and 15 GoPro cameras around the track to capture the jockey racing.

The Jockey POV
A POV shot

The piece also includes a moving graphics explainer showing Baze’s body and the many injuries he has sustained, created by graphics editor Graham Roberts.

The Jockey graphic

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